Explore suggestive itineraries
and quiet and relaxing landscapes
Within the Coastal Dune Park, kissed by the sun and sea breeze, we will discover our biodiversity,
including fossils and rock settlements, plants and wild plants.
Choose among our activities:
With the visit of the ancient Masseria from 1600, we will accompany you on the discovery of the organic agritourism. In this way you will be able to understand the importance of the biodiversity and seasonal availability of vegetables and you will do the shopping with this awareness. We will finish the excursion with a practical activity in the garden dedicating ourselves to the theme of the local wild plants.
Length: min. 1 hour, max. 2 hours;
Participants: min. 2, max. 60 people.
Our Experiences
we find these genuine ingredients and organic raw materials in the traditional menu of our restaurant